Main Street Paragould

Paragould Art & Stroll 2021

Great show at this year’s Art & Stroll in Paragould. I was thrilled with the local reception of my Chrees and it was very encouraging to see.

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2016 Main Street Awards

Last night was a big surprise for me. We helped host an awards ceremony for our local Main Street organization, of which I am VP. Awards were given to outstanding businesses and community members. I won local Volunteer of the Year for my town. Ben also won Local Hero award.


Representatives from the Arkansas Main Street state program were there to give 2 awards to our community. I kind of guessed we had won for Best Online Presence. (I created our website: Downtown Paragould this year, and Gina, our director, does an amazing job with our social media.) But, to my incredible surprise, I also won the Volunteer of the Year from the state Main Street program!

Arkansas Main Street Volunteer of the Year 2016

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Little Caboose

Ben and I have recently joined the board for Main Street Paragould. I am loving being a part of something where I can make a difference right here at home. I live pretty close to downtown, and probably use it more than most: my yoga class is downtown, I get coffee and cupcakes often, meetings, bars.. I love it.

The Director, Gina is a wonderfully spirited woman and I couldn’t help painting her little caboose, aka the Main Street Paragould headquarters.


Little Caboose in the snow.



Me giving Gina her Caboose.

Red Goose Gallery – Arts & Music Fest


I had a very successful booth at this year’s Arts & Music Festival inside the Red Goose Gallery.


I said goodbye to Learn to Swim; I know it has a good home though.



You will be missed.

2014 Arts & Music Fest


Instead of a small Art & Stroll this year, Paragould began the first annual Arts & Music Festival. I did the branding: logo, posters, flyers, website, tshirts, stickers, brochure…. you name it, I probably did it. Here are just a few items from the 2014 campaign.


The poster with all info.


Tshirt design for the $500 giveaway. Buy a ticket to enter the raffle.